Monday 30 November 2015

Woodbridge Library

Let me introduce you to Woodbridge Library, a place of tranquility I often visit on my trips into town.

Its a great place to relax over a nice cup of coffee & to read the newspapers.


Today I glanced through 'The Times', starting at the sports pages and that glorious Davis Cup win by Great Britain.


Then I noticed some National Health Service articles, which interested me. Being in a house without access to a TV, I've listened to a fair bit of radio & there's been much discussion about the NHS & the issuing of 'black alerts', with the situation expected to worsen as Winter approaches.
Many hospitals continue to be placed on 'black alert' ........

AN NHS ‘black’ alert is a warning to the healthcare community that a hospital is facing greater demand for services than it can handle. A hospital spokesman said: “The black alert is an indication to the rest of the healthcare community that we are under real pressure and demand on our organisation exceeds our capacity and the number of beds we have available.
Read more: 
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The library also has a sale of books they no longer wanted to keep. They were 50p each, just over $1 & there was one that caught my eye, that I thought would be very entertaining: 

As he states in his introduction 'Paperweight' aspires to be thought of as no more than a kind of literary guacamole into which the tired and hungry reader may from time to time wish to dip the tortilla chip of his or her curiosity."

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