Tuesday 17 November 2015

Charity Shop Culture

I must admit, I'm now getting into 'serious relaxation' mode and enjoying it, but Woodbridge here I come today. Nice try, Gwen & Ollie, sitting on my jacket is not going to stop me from taking the Little Red Rocket for a trip :)

I'm loving the culture of charity shops here. My goal is to only buy from charity shops, while I'm here. I bought a lovely jacket from the Samaritans at Great Yarmouth. Today, I visited another three charity shops in the main street of Woodbridge: British Heart Foundation, British Red Cross & Oxfam. I bought a few nice things :)  



There's such character here, in the town, and I found another charity shop. This time it was the Salvation Army and of course I had to support them and buy a couple of things! How cute is this little stapler? I also bought a lovely top.

After the excitement of shopping I felt I needed a little break and found a lovely, cosy, little spot in the Firestation cafe, where I enjoyed a Congress Tart & a cappuccino.


This beautiful song was playing at the time: 

First Aid Kit 'In The Hearts Of Men'

First Aid Kit

The Congress Tart was beautiful and definitely had a hint of Bakewell Tart about it, so some research was needed!

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