Wednesday 18 November 2015

Trip Advisor - Woodbridge

Trip Advisor is a great site to use and I have it as an app on my phone. I love it! I also love to write reviews of places I've visited and those places I've eaten at. It's great fun to use! I should use it more often & remember to refer to it for all of the local attractions and best places to eat. 

Yesterday I went to the Wild Strawberry Cafe for lunch and today I'm going to visit The Galley, which is next door to it. Yesterday I had a lovely cheddar cheese, piccalili, cucumber & rocket sandwich. The Galley is a mediterranean style cafe, so obviously it'll be something completely different today!


Unfortunately, the Galley was closed by the time I got there, but I found another charity shop, St Elizabeth Hospice, ... yay & made another lovely purchase !

This is a beautiful old facade I see on my way into Woodbridge, but which has actually been converted into a house!

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