Wednesday 25 November 2015


Wednesday 25 November

It was a beautiful sunny day, not a cloud in the sky, just like back home on a perfect Winter's day. I was heading off to Woodbridge in the Little Red Rocket, to do  a few things. I stopped for morning tea at the Firestation Cafe, where they serve some beautiful homemade ginger shortbread biscuits. Christmas was in the air, as the town was being adorned with christmas trees, decorations & lights. Oh, I've just found out that the cafe is owned by the bakery next door. No wonder those biscuits are 'to die for'.

This is where I love to sit ...

It was such a beautiful day that I decided to take the Little Red Rocket into Ipswich & drove straight into town this time, instead of using 'Park & Ride'. Finding a parking space was very easy & not too expensive. I was in pursuit of a hairdryer and was directed to 'Argos'. Wow, what an experience! There were catalogues everywhere for you to look through, then you purchased whatever product you wanted, without even seeing it ... a warehouse with a shopfront! They sold everything & I was able to buy just what I was looking for. What a new experience for me and the place to go! This was the catalogue:

I was looking for somewhere interesting to go for lunch & stumbled across 'Pickwicks', the oldest coffee shop in Ipswich, set in a beautiful Art Nouveau building, dating back to the 15th century and believed to have been the office of Thomas Wolsey's secretary, Pickwicks. I chose the Stilton Ploughmans for lunch, which was beautiful:)

It's important that I only have short trips away, otherwise I'm answerable to Ollie & Gwen, who are never too impressed if I'm away for too long :)


  1. Always found Argos a very interesting way to shop. Most people seem to have the catalogue at home and you just need to note down the number. Reminds me a bit of shopping at Ikea only there you can actually see the stuff in the showroom.

  2. It was quite an experience Ruth. I did bring a catalogue home as well ...just in case :)
