Friday 6 November 2015


My first stop was Suffolk, where I was going to stay at Tunstall, for one month, housesitting and looking after 2 gorgeous cats, Gwen and Ollie. 

I had a lovely welcome by the homeowner, John and was immediately 'taken' by the  beautiful English countryside. The home I was to stay in was very quaint, along with the surrounding countryside. Soon after my jet lag, John organised for me to purchase a car for 500 pounds, and I was immediately off to Ipswich. Thank you John :)

My first drive there was interesting and a bit nerve racking. I don't think I've ever driven so slowly. I only got beeped at once, when I changed lanes. I was told that it was very hard to park in Ipswich and was directed to go to Park & Ride, which is a great system & worked out really well, except when I got lost on the way back to Park & Ride, but that's another story! I now understand why you don't drive into Ipswich. It's such a beautiful town, with lots of narrow streets, lovely shops & pubs.

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