Saturday 5 December 2015

Hello Tooting & Baxter

Meet my new 'best friend' ... Baxter!

First of all, a trip to 'Pets At Home' for a doggy seat belt!

Let's see if it fits!

Then it was off to Canterbury


I always thought that was something 'naughty' that I just used to do .... mmmm

We certainly hit some of the narrowest roads I've ever driven on here.

On the way home we made a Motorway stop. They really know how to do things here ... a Marks & Spencers 'Simply Food' store ..... they're everywhere!

So I had to buy the M&S carry bag ... how handy!

.... to put in my 'brie & grape' sandwich

 ... and my 'dolly mixtures' that haven't changed one little bit. Love them!

End of a BIG day :)

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