Saturday 12 December 2015

Nature Photo Challenge

On Facebook, I received this 'tag' from a wonderful teacher at Bourke. It gave me the idea to create a page each month dedicated to Nature Photos, on my Travel Blog

Amanda: " I was nominated by Tash. I nominate Susan to post 1 nature photo a day for 7 days. Please share some nature in England".

"How awesome Amanda! Thanks for nominating me to take part in the challenge!"

I shall share these photos here every day this month

Friday 11 December

Saturday 12 December 

Sunday 13 December

Monday 14 December

                Tuesday 15 December

Lichen on the back of a park bench in Figges Marsh

Wednesday 16 December

Thursday 17 December

Friday 18 December 

Blue skies ... sun ...vapour trails ... winter trees

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