Sunday 24 January 2016

St Helens

it was now time to move on to my next house sit in Stockport, Lancashire.

So it was back over the Severn Bridge from Wales into England

Wind turbines along the way ...

I stopped off to visit my Aunty Marjorie & cousins Christine & Christopher.

First stop was my Auntie's house in St Helens.

Marjorie looked amazing for 91!

Christine, Christopher & Ray took me for a trip in the Limousine!

We went to the canals in Rufford, which was fantastic.

Rufford lies at a point where the Leeds and Liverpool Canal, the Liverpool, 
Ormskirk and Preston Railway, the A59 and the River Douglas all meet.

Enjoyed a lovely afternoon tea at Rufford Marina ... thank you Christopher :)

End of another perfect day!

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