Sunday 21 February 2016


Historically Gourdon was an important town and had four monasteries at one time. The town was given by Count Raymond I of Toulouse to the Gourdon family in 961 but they were nearly wiped out in 1189 by Richard the Lionheart. Rumour has it that the family were avenged by a surviving son who fatally shot Richard in the shoulder at the siege of Chalus.

 Little Red Rocket as wondering where I was taking him......

...... St Pierre Church, built in the 15th century.

... then it was back home to a lovely welcome back from my 'new best friends'. 
"I love you too Yogi" xxxxx

Sunday 14 February 2016

La Plaine

After spending some time with my 'new best friends'. I went for a walk down the road.

"Bonjour" from Fudge.

... and "Bonjour" from Yogi :)

Time for a treat !

Now, a walk down the road ....

What a quaint village :)

Now where shall I go tomorrow ?

Back home & a tummy rub for Yogi :)

Good night!